Moderni keltski narodni pevci poznani kot The Real McKenzies prihajajo iz Kanade (Vancouver). Punk zasedba je globoko zakoreninjena v svoje škotske korenine, tako najlažje opišemo, da glasba zasedbe The Real McKenzies zveni kot glasba zasedbe Sex Pistols s primesmi folk glasbe.
Zasedbo je leta 1994 ustanovil frontman Paul McKenzie, ki pravi, da je bila pomemben faktor tudi njegova družina. Kot mladeniča so ga namreč starši in stari starši oblačili v kilt, potem pa je pel in plesal na tradicionalno škotsko glasbo. Pravi, da je škotski punk bend ustanovil tudi zaradi maščevanja njim. Sicer je malce nenavadno, kako lahko skupina Kanadčanov razposajeno in hrupno hodi po svetu v imenu Škotske. Paul McKenzie razlaga, da je veliko Škotov imigriralo v Kanado. Za konec dodaja, da so Škoti odšli na sever, Irci pa na jug...kot to večkrat storijo.
Rezervacije cenejših vstopnic:
The modern-day Celtic bards known as The Real McKenzies hail from Vancouver, BC and are a punk band deeply rooted in their Scottish heritage with a sound best described as the Sex Pistols meet Scottish folk legend Robbie Burns. The Scottish term Ceilidh (pronounced kee-lee), is the main reason why the Real McKenzies formed and their chief inspiration. Ceilidh, according to the McKenzies, is a Gaelic word meaning “A wicked party which carries on for days”. Founded by frontman Paul McKenzie in 1994, he cites his family as another motivating factor, “As a lad, my parents and grandparents would dress me up in a kilt and make me sing and dance to traditional Scottish music. Starting a Scottish punk band is my way of getting revenge!” You’re probably wondering how it is that group of Canadians can rightly rollick and roam the countryside in the name of Scotland. Paul McKenzie offers an explanation, “A great many Scots immigrated to Canada. Ya see, the Scottish went north and the Irish went they often do.”
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