Happy Ol'McWeasel so energičen irish-celtic HC-punk-rock bend, ki z energično glasbo in naspidiranim nastopom na noge dvigne še tako zapriseženega statista iz zadnje vrste. Recept za njihovo glasbo bi bil približno takšen: za osnovo vzameš irsko-keltske tradicionalne pesmi, ko pa jih zmanjka, spiješ liter viskija in napišeš lastno, pomnožiš ritem x10, bradate starce zamenjaš s podivjanimi pijanimi podlasicami in jim za zabavo daš v roke bobne, električne kitare, banjo, harmoniko in violo. Vse fino zaliješ z nekaj litri viskija in... prižgeš vžigalico.
Album NO OFFENCE predstavlja zaključeno celoto nekega obdobja v katerem se je band znašel, ki nakazuje na novejše - še bolj samosvoje smernice. V besedilih je zaznati veliko mero socialnega čuta in družbene kritike, ne pozabijo pa na igrivo, veselo in nemalokrat sarkastično podajanje besed. Glasbeno ohranjajo tradicionalni irsko-keltski melos, ki je aranžiran v visokooktanskem in iskrenem uličnem punk-rocku ali z drugimi besedami, album zajema tako hitre punk rock komade, kot balado ali dve pri čemer je vse skupaj zavito v irish-celtic-folk aranžma. Snemanje plošče NO OFFENCE je potekalo od septembra 2011 do januarja 2012 v studiu Epix Productions s producentom Martinom Bezjakom. Pod mastering se je podpisal Mika Jussila, eden izmed ikon evropske glasbene produkcije. Sodeloval je že z največjimi imeni kot so Children of Bodom, Nightwish, Apocalyptica in ostali. Svoje delo opravlja v najstarejšem in največjem studiu na Finskem, Studiu Finnvox.
Happy Ol`McWeasel - Hairy Grizzly
Happy Ol´McWeasel - Irish Rover
Vstopnina: brez NO OFFENCE CD 5 EUR, s CD 7 € (cena samo CD = 5€)
Happy Ol`McWeasel is an energetic Irish–Celtic HC-punk-rock band from Sovenia that gets even the sworn static concert goers in the last rows to their feet. The recipe for their music would be as follows: for the basis take the Irish-Celtic traditional songs, but when you run out of them, drink a liter of whiskey and write your own song, then increase the tempo about 10 times and swap the old bearded men with a bunch of wild, drunk weasels, and just for the fun of it, give them drums, an electric guitar, a banjo, an accordion and a viola. Then pour a few liters of whiskey over it all and ... light a match.
The NO OFFENCE album represents a concluded whole of a period in which the band finds itself, and which shows to a new, even more original guidelines. The lyrics include a lot of social sense and social criticism, but don't lack the playful, joyful and often sarcastic words. Musically, the traditional Irish-Celtic melodics arranged in high-octane and genuine street punk-rock have been kept, or to put it in other words, the album includes fast punk-rock songs, as well as a ballad or two, all of which are wrapped up in Irish-Celtic Folk arrangement. Recording of the album NO OFFENCE took place in the Epix Productions studio from September 2011 to January 2012 and was done by the producer Martin Bezjak. Mastering was done by Mika Jussila, an icon of European music production, who has worked with the biggest bands, as Children of Bodom, Nightwish, Apocalyptica and others. He works at the oldest and biggest studio in Finnland, the Finnvox Studio.
Entry: only concert 5€; concert with brand NEW CD "NO OFFENCE": 7€
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